Good Food Store and Charlie’s Produce Help “Take A Bite Out of Hunger™”

Good Food Store and Charlie’s Produce Help “Take A Bite Out of Hunger™”
Good Food Store and Charlie’s Produce Spokane Donates over 2,500 pounds of Fresh Apples
to the Montana Food Bank Network
Friday, July 6, 2018
Today Charlie’s Produce in partnership with the Good Food Store delivered a donation of 2,760 pounds of fresh apples to the Montana Food Bank Network! This donation signals the participation of Good Food Store and Charlie’s Produce in the Take a Bite Out of Hunger™ Program sponsored by FirstFruits Marketing of Washington.
FirstFruits Marketing of Washington created the Take a Bite out of Hunger campaign to help feed the underserved while bringing attention to the problem of food insecurity in the United States and Canada. This is Good Food Store’s and Charlie’s fourth year participating in the campaign.
“We’re proud supporters of our local community and working alongside Charlie’s Produce and FirstFruits Marketing on Take a Bite Out of Hunger is a wonderful opportunity to make a difference,” said Paul Rosen, produce manager of Good Food Store. “This donation of apples will keep the shelves at our local food banks stocked with fresh produce.”
Over 130,000 Montanans are living in food insecure homes and struggling to put food on their table. Here in Montana we have rural communities that are miles away from supermarkets and thus miles away from fresh and affordable food choices, it is no secret that the need for accessible fresh food options has become a dire necessity. Not only is this problem in rural communities, urban dwellers living with food insecurity often cannot afford the high prices that are associated with fresh produce.
Donations like the apples from Good Food Store and Charlie’s Produce will allow our Network Partners across the state to provide a greater variety of fresh fruits to the seniors, families, veterans, and others accessing their local emergency food providers. Soon thousands of Montanans will soon be leaving their local food pantry with a smile on their face and a bag of apples in tow.
About FirstFruits Marketing of Washington
FirstFruits Marketing is a collaborative apple marketing company owned by Ralph and Cheryl Broetje. Their growers share a commitment to producing high quality fruit while balancing the demands of purpose, people, planet and profit so that a portion of profits can be donated to non-profit missions supporting the underserved. For more Information, visit