Hunger happens everywhere—in our largest cities and in our smallest towns.
1 in 6 children in Montana live in a food-insecure household, equating to nearly 40,000 youth in our state who do not consistently have enough food and may not know when their next meal is coming from. MFBN proudly takes a multi-pronged approach to strengthen children’s access to nutrient-dense food.

If you’re looking for information on SUN Bucks or Summer EBT,
HERE and/or email [email protected]


BackPack: BackPack meals have easy-to-prepare food for younger students to take home over the weekend. MFBN distributes BackPack meals to schools.

School Pantry: School pantries provide snacks and weekend meals for middle and high school students. MFBN supplies food and provides support to pantries.

Benefits Access Hotline: MFBN’s hotline supports families with questions about SNAP, Summer EBT, and WIC.


School Breakfast: Breakfast in the classroom and other innovations increase participation, helping students thrive. MFBN works with schools to share best practices, toolkits, and funding to strengthen programs.

Summer Meals: New federal flexibilities are helping feed more kids in Montana. MFBN works with communities to increase access to meals by providing grant funding and support to sponsors.

Summer EBT: S-EBT reduces child hunger by providing eligible families with $120 per child for summer groceries. MFBN supports outreach and advocacy for a strong S-EBT program.


SNAP: SNAP is a key part of helping families keep food on the table. MFBN advocates to protect and strengthen access to the program and the benefits it provides.

WIC: WIC provides essential food assistance and nutrition education to parents, infants, and children. MFBN advocates to ensure the program has the resources and flexibility it needs to best serve our communities.

Food Security Council: MFBN convenes advocacy groups, state agencies, lawmakers, and members of MFBN staff, to build collaboration around policy solutions.

Contact [email protected] for more information.

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