Food is the ingredient that binds us together

Updated September 2023

Since 1983, we have been committed to distributing food, at the lowest cost possible, to over 360 network partners. Because of our partnerships with food producers, corporate sponsors, and passionate individuals like you, every $1 donated helps MFBN provide at least four meals.

Individuals Donations

Smaller donations can be brought to our warehouse at:
5625 Expressway, Missoula, Montana 59808

Not in Missoula?
You can take smaller food donations to one of our network partners:

Find the closest drop-off location for one of our Network Partners here

Retail and Grocery Food Donations

No matter your city, we can accept and pick up retail food donations through our Retail Food Rescue Program.

For more information, please contact Jesse Schraufnagel, Programs Manager.

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