[UPDATE 4/16:] 100,000 Montanans’ healthcare is on the line.

[UPDATE 4/16:] 100,000 Montanans’ healthcare is on the line.

The next few hours are crucial!
Take action now to protect the healthcare of
1 in 10 Montanans

The vote to pass Medicaid Expansion tied on the Senate floor yesterday, which means it did not pass. The Senate can still reconsider the bill if they act quickly. Please call and leave a message for the senators listed below as soon as possible. Tell them 100,000 Montanans’ healthcare is on the line.

  • Senator Duane Ankney (R), Colstrip, SD 20
  • Senator Brian Hoven (R), Great Falls, SD 13
  • Senator Tom Richmond (R), Billings, SD 28
  • Senator Russel Tempel (R), Chester, SD 14
  • Senator Jeffrey Welborn (R), Dillon, SD 36
  • Senator Fred Thomas (R), Stevensville, SD 44

Call the Capitol Switchboard this morning at (406) 444-4800. You can leave a message for up to 5 Senators at a time. Urge support for HB 658!

Contact Lorianne with questions, [email protected] or (406) 215-1773.


Yesterday, the Montana Senate finally passed HB658 to continue Medicaid expansion. Thank you to everyone who called and to the 26 Senators who voted YES on this crucial bill!

The Senate has a final vote today, then the bill goes back to the House. Keep up the pressure on your legislators to protect Medicaid expansion!

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