406 Backpack Jersey Day
Root for your community
Root for your community
406 BackPack Jersey Day
The goal of 406 BackPack Jersey Day is to increase awareness around the BackPack Program in participating communities and to raise funds that directly support your community’s local program.
· Community members can show their support for children and schools in Montana by making a $5 suggested donation to the participating school of their choice at mfbn.org/backpackjerseyday
· Wear your favorite sporting team’s jersey, t-shirt, or school pride gear on BackPack Jersey Day
· Post pictures of how your community showed up for 406 BackPack Jersey Day
· All proceeds will go to the donors chosen school to fund their BackPack Program.
The mission of the BackPack Program is to provide hungry children with nutritious and easy-to-prepare food to sustain them over weekends and school vacations when other resources and school meals are not available.
· Currently, 136 Montana schools participate in the Montana Food Bank Network’s BackPack Program. Statewide over 100,000 bags are provided to almost 4,000 individual students annually.
· The cost of the program for each student is approximately $160 per school year.
· Most programs are funded in part by local community members.
Every community has unique resources to help spread the word about this program. Since in-person participation will be a challenge during the current state of things, we are moving Jersey Day online!
Through your e-mail contacts and social media, engage your company, church group, book club, sewing circle, yoga class, and any other community groups that are passionate about the youth in your area. Invite them to join you by making a donation and showing their support for the BackPack Program by participating in Jersey Day – February 5, 2021. Then, wear your favorite jersey on the 5th- be sure to share your support by posting pictures on your favorite social platforms!
· Contact the program coordinator at MFBN, Erika Berglund at [email protected] or 406-541-4874, to be connected with local community members that are championing the program in your area.
· Like Montana Food Bank Network page on Facebook and Instagram, share our posts, and post your own photos on or before 2/5 using #406BackPack #JerseyDay
Together, we can ensure that Montana kids have the nutrition they need to thrive, even during these troubling times.