15.9% of children in Montana currently live in food-insecure households, unsure of where their next meal will come from.
The BackPack Program currently serves 136 schools in Montana, providing weekend food to over 4000 children each week. This program relies on community support to continue providing food for the students who depend on this vital nutrition throughout the year. During this strange time of school closures due to the pandemic, school staff are working tirelessly to provide meals to their students and need your help more than ever before!
All donations will go directly to support the BackPack Program in your preferred community, as indicated by your school choice below.
“We believe the program is wonderful in part because of how it has built a stronger relationship between the school, the parents of the students involved, and the community. Thank you.” Helena’s BackPack Site Coordinator.
Root for your community and show your true colors by wearing your favorite sports jersey or t-shirt on Friday, February 5th!
(and don’t forget to share on social media! #406BackPack #JerseyDay)