Final Farm Bill Agreement Protects SNAP!

MFBN Statement on final Farm Bill agreement
Gayle Carlson, CEO, Montana Food Bank Network
“The Farm Bill agreement announced Monday night is the right step forward for our state and our nation, reflecting our shared belief that no one should go hungry. Most critically, the agreement protects and strengthens the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), our nation’s most effective anti-hunger program. The agreement ensures that SNAP will continue to help feed children and their parents, seniors, people with disabilities, working people with low pay and inconsistent hours, and anyone else who falls on hard times. SNAP is and will remain a lifeline for people in our state, helping nearly 60,000 Montana households afford groceries each month. As we enter the holiday season, this is something we can all celebrate.
Additionally, the agreement includes strong funding for TEFAP, the Emergency Food Assistance Program, which provides food to many of Montana’s pantries and meal programs while supporting our nation’s producers.
This agreement reflects the hard work of anti-hunger advocates and community groups who lifted their voices to educate lawmakers about the importance of SNAP and TEFAP for the health and well-being of people in our state. We commend House and Senate negotiators for working together, across party lines, to continue the bipartisan tradition of protecting food assistance for Montanans and all Americans.
We urge Congress to pass the final bill, providing support and certainty to Montana families, farmers, and communities.”