Erin was born and raised in Missoula where she still spends her summers but lives in sunny Arizona during the winter. She is passionate about making the world a better place, and especially about serving the people in her local community. Erin strongly believes that having enough food to eat is a human right and she’s thrilled to be a part of ending hunger in Montana with MFBN. The best part of Erin’s job is being able to work alongside all kinds of generous funders to raise money that provides food to those in our state who need it.
- has a favorite pastime of being outdoors with family and friends and her crazy blue-eyed mutt, Kairo.
- loves bird and wildlife watching and nothing gets her more excited than seeing all the migrating birds flying north from Arizona and then spending the summer with some of those birds in Montana!
- was married in Costa Rica before destination weddings were a thing and jokes with her husband that they’re not sure how legitimate their marriage is!
- loves to bake sweets but during the pandemic failed miserably to bake a decent loaf of sourdough bread.
- spends winters in Southern Arizona that has more sun than snow but loves heading north every winter for a girls’ snowboarding trip – with no boys allowed!