Network Partner Feature of the Month

Custer County Food Bank has been a partner of ours since 2000! Their mission is to provide 1 weeks worth of nutrition to individuals/families in need through funding from several…

Network Partner Feature of the Month

Helena Food Share has been a partner of ours since 1996! “@helenafoodshare was founded in 1987 to help provide emergency food to our neighbors who face hunger. No matter the situation,…

Network Partner Feature of the Month

Soft Landing Missoula has been a Network Partner of ours since 2017! “Soft Landing Missoula is a community-based nonprofit committed to working with refugee and immigrant families as they build…


This summer, the No Kid Hungry Montana campaign moved to MFBN. The campaign will focus on ending child hunger in Montana and is a collaboration between MFBN and Share Our…

MFBN has partnered with FreeWill to make it simpler than ever to securely create or update your legal will and, if you choose, start your legacy with MFBN. Join over…

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